In 2018 I lost my father to Alzheimer’s, a brutal, terrible disease. It was one of the most heart breaking times of my life. I was fortunate enough to spend many, many hours with him over this three year decline and I learned so much from him. My Dad was a brilliant engineer, an avid reader, lover of music (classical and Irish), fixer of all things broken and an artist. He started painting watercolors when he was 65. In February of 2019, I suddenly and strongly felt the need to buy a canvas and paint something. Keep in mind that I haven’t painted anything (other than walls and an occasional piece of furniture) since high school! I have no formal artistic training. But I went ahead, painting with the feeling of “something," what I believe was my Dad, urging me on. I posted my pictures on Instagram and FB and received rave reviews. You cannot imagine my shock and surprise when I was asked to sell my art work! And that leads me to now. I fell in love with abstract art and found something that soothes my soul and gives me an amazing feeling of creative energy and happiness. I think the Irish engineer, tinkerer and amazing artist is somewhere giving me his silent nod in appreciation.